On October 2nd, from 14:00 to 17:30 CET, UCLL Campus Diepenbeek will host an exciting workshop dedicated to advancing citizen science. This event will feature distinguished representatives from the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Scivil, and leading universities and applied sciences institutions across Flanders.

Register here!

The workshop will begin with an introductory address by Sara Gilissen, followed by a keynote presentation from Simona Cerrato of ECSA. Cerrato will discuss strategies to expand participation in citizen science, emphasizing the vital role of educators in fostering a research-oriented mindset among students and the benefits of small group interactions. She will also highlight the importance of networking and qualitative impact measures in citizen science initiatives. Next, Annelies Duerinckx from Scivil will offer insights into the state of citizen science in Flanders, focusing on the challenges and innovative approaches to engage traditionally hard-to-reach groups, such as entrepreneurs. Duerinckx will underscore the necessity of diversifying funding sources and inspiring citizen participation beyond data collection. Käthe Robert from Universiteit Antwerpen will present the "Teek-a-break" project, comparing citizen science projects driven by media attention to those where researchers act as communicators. Her presentation will highlight the significance of effective communication in enhancing citizen engagement.

After a brief intermission, Karel Moons of UCLL will introduce the "Learning Bubbles" project, discussing the unique experience of being a research subject in an educational context. Saskia De Bruyn, from UCLL, will address the topic of Inclusive Participatory Research. Raquel Barreira from Polytechnic University of Setúbal (IPS) will conclude the presentations with a focus on the E³UDRES² initiative and the establishment of a new Bank of Researchers aimed at fostering greater participation in research activities. This will set the stage for an engaging panel discussion moderated by Sara Gilissen, featuring the day's speakers and addressing questions from the host and live queries from the virtual audience.

This workshop promises to be an enriching event, offering valuable insights and fostering discussions that will advance the field of citizen science in Flanders and beyond. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts in citizen science and gain valuable insights into innovative research and community involvement. Register now to secure your spot at the Citizen Science Workshop on October 2nd from 14:00 to 17:30 CET. Enhance your understanding of citizen science, explore new strategies, and contribute to meaningful discussions.

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