We are excited to announce the release of the June 2024 edition of the Ent-r-e-novators newsletter! This edition highlights the latest milestones, recent events, and future directions of our innovative projects.

In this issue, you'll find an in-depth feature on Work Package 5, led by Sarah De Coninck, which focuses on engaging citizens and stakeholders in research and innovation. Discover the eight categories of engagement skills developed through expert feedback and their application in upcoming junior and senior I-Living Labs.

Additionally, the newsletter features an exclusive interview with Luís Coelho, the project coordinator, who shares his vision for integrating science into society through international dialogue and collaboration. Learn about the successes and future aspirations of the E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators project, supported by the European Commission.

We also cover the international workshop held at the Polytechnic University of Setúbal on June 7th, 2024. The workshop, titled “Open Science and Open Education,” brought together experts to discuss the benefits and challenges of open science practices.

To learn more and stay informed about upcoming events - including the IEC 2024 and the E³UDRES² Bootcamp 2024 - read the full June 2024 edition of the Ent-r-e-novators newsletter and stay connected with us for more updates and insights.